Self healing Materials

Repair materials for concrete structures with crack healing function

Institute of Industrial Science, The university of Tokyo and SERIC Japan launched a collaboration through research and development of innovative technologies designed to develop repair materials associated self-healing function. Specifically, the planned collaboration spur technologies of high flowability and shrinkage free grout with self-healing function, Power Grout.

Power Healing-AD

"High performance shrinkage-reducing agents"

This self-healing composite composes of high performance shrinkage-reducing agents with self-healing function. This product is formulated to mix with concrete mixtures to improve concrete’s densification and watertight performance. This agent shall be added to a batching plant facility or agitator trunk (transit mixer). The contribution of crack-self healing techniques improves concrete durability and helps to maintain the mid- long term structural conditions.
- Premium Waterproofing
- High Durability
- Self-Healing Material

Power Healing-P / -M

"Inorganic self - healing materials"

This novel product produces self healing performance characteristics to seal the cracks. With the use of this novel repair material, the self healing ability of the inorganic materials is further excellent in mid-long term durability than organic materials. The invention of our product compared to existing materials is highly reliable with semi-permanently durability. The self healing effect of our products can be formed by rain or artificial water supply. This smart product can be used in the repair of cracks in buildings, dams, bridges, and other types of concrete structures. The high performance of our product is suitable solution for tunnel leakage.
- High durability
- Suitable for underground structures